Monday 26 November 2007

Catching up in November 2007

During my walks I go through lots of fields and often see very large brown quadrupeds. I am always put on the lead and you can see how interested I was in one of them in this picture. It looked at me very strongly and I looked back tehn I went off with my biped to see what interesting stuff was in the next field.I regularly meet friends on my walks and we have fantastic fun.

Tess is a black labrador and she loves me to chase her I oblige..........

then there is Jasmine she is 5 months old like me and is a very cute retriever. We play fight and I am very gentle with her and usually give her a little kiss when we leave.....

My hero is Blade....he is a large golden labrador and is training to do the doggy swinmming Olympics! Every time I see him he is in the canal, swimming up and down, up and down.......he takes his training very seriously...............then for fun he turns in to gardner and rearranges the reeds at the side fo the canal. One time he ended up with a really black face................his biped seems really cool about it and shows him good places to get out so he can shake his coat and get out the water.

I haven't gone into the canal yet - well not really...........I slipped when I was at the edge so that doesn't count! I paddle a lot in shallow water areas and that feels really good........I'll stick with that for the moment

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