Sunday 28 October 2007

4 months old

The weather seems to be changing with more rain, wind and its colder.....................doesn't make any difference to me! My all-weather coat is waterproof, windproof and warm! All the same, after an exhilirating walk through the fields, it's nice to come home and stretch out for a snooze.

I am now 4 months old and learning to do things when the bipeds ask. If I do it they give me edibles so it is really a no brainer. I have got into trouble recently when I meet big, grown up dogs. They are so cool and often let me play with them.......we tumble around and chase and when the bipeds want to go I don't want to leave the dogs so I just go with them. My bipeds call me but the other dogs are such fun - it is such a difficult choice. If I don't come I end up on the lead walking with the bipeds - OK but not as much fun. Everywhere we go, there is so much to learn adn explore.

I went to my first pub recently after a long car journey. The bipeds got food and drink from the people in the pub and I got food and drink from my bipeds. We sat outside in the autumn sun and lots of passing bipeds patted me and asked my name - it seems to be Mac Labradoodle but I answer to Mac


Anonymous said...

Hi Mac, I am impressed to hear that your coat is waterproof, windproof and warm! I think you will find that very useful during the winter months. However, I am a bit disappointed as I imagined you would be sporting a nice tartan doggy coat for the winter.
I see you are growing into a very handome boy, too!

bloggingPro said...

Love your site! Would you be interested in a link exchange, or perhaps me featuring photos of Mac on my Blog. Check it out at